I am 7+ years of experience in e-learning, project management, system application, computer education, educational technology and operations support throughout international markets. Experience with Learning Management Systems, knowledge of adult learning theory, e-learning tools and training concepts.Expertise in creating multimedia products using a variety of software programs, primarily in Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Adobe Premiere and Adobe Photoshop. Proficient in applying creative design to the discipline of instructional design with an emphasis on multimedia. Strong after effects skills with hands on experience in management programs, system software, and digital platforms.
Sample of Work
Due to my agreements with the organizations I worked for, I am not able to share any actual material that I produced.
The below samples are my sample of work without including any confidential information.

Business Intelligence Training
It is a scenario-based learning to understand the basics of business intelligence. It covers what business intelligence does, where it can be used, types of business intelligence and differences between business intelligence and business analytics. This training utilizes various media such as videos, texts, visuals, infographics as well as drag and drop items.
Duration: 10 minutes

Time Management Training
The aim is to create an informative course in Articulate Rise. In this course, users can find some information about how to manage their time effectively by completing some interactions like matching, true/false questions and a quiz at the end to make learning permanent.
Duration: 10 minutes

The Doctor’s Attitude towards Patients
This is a sample of simulation through Articulate Storyline. This course covers how doctors should approach toward their patients. Based on users’ answers, the simulation shows impacts on patients to provide a real-life experience through simulation.
Duration: 10 minutes